Butterfly Waffles for Reading across America
With the kids attending Florida virtual school I knew that I needed to do something to celebrate Reading across America. I knew that I wanted to read a book that they could connect with and also learn from. I went on a hunt for the perfect book and I found Dreamers by Yuyi Morales.
What I love about this book is the powerful storyline about a mother and son who cross the border for a new life in a new country and the journey of being/becoming an immigrant. It speaks on the difficulty of not knowing the culture or language. I love that they find beauty and love for the new place they now call home. It also talks about being a dreamer and having making your voice be heard.
Not only is the poetic storyline powerful; the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous! She also is huge on butterflies and they are hidden throughout the book.
Just absolutely stunning!
In the back of the the author and illustrator writes her story. This opens the door to explain and tell my mom’s story about coming to a country that she knew no one, the language, and the culture. I want my children to know where their family comes from and the story that technically began this family.
There are so many discussions that can began with this story. Such as diversity, immigration, the power of dreaming, and the power of voice.
There are also so many activities, recipes, and crafts that can be created along with this book. I think there is a variety of ages who would not only enjoy the book but also the supplemental fun.
We choose a butterfly waffle for ours inspire by the butterflies hidden through out the book.
Yet, you could create your own DIY stories just like the author at the beginning of her career. You could write down your dreams on a butterfly cutout. You could create a dream catcher. You can make coffee filter butterflies.